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Vol. 9 - Num. 35

Original Papers

Health status of the children adopted abroad by families from the Basque Country and Navarra

Maite de Aranzabal Agudoa, M Labayru Echevarria, I Ocio Ocio, Beatriz Rodríguez Pérezc, E Vera de Pedro, C Villate Szigriszt, S Ortuzar Yandidas, A Iceta Lizarraga, M de Miguel Maiza, E Astobiza Beobide, A Pérez Fernández, MV Rezola Solaun

aPediatra. CS Lakuarriaga. Vitoria. Álava. España.

cPediatra. CS Rochapea. Pamplona. España.

Correspondence: M de Aranzabal. E-mail:

Reference of this article: de Aranzabal Agudo M, Labayru Echevarria M, Ocio Ocio I, Rodríguez Pérez B, Vera de Pedro E, Villate Szigriszt C, et al. Health status of the children adopted abroad by families from the Basque Country and Navarra. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2007;9:427-47.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2007 - Visits: 9119


Development International adoption Nutritional status

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