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Vol. 9 - Num. 35

Original Papers

diagnostic and preventive activities in an adolescent population of a Primary Care Health Centre

Paz González Rodrígueza, MI Parra Martínez, MA Herrero González, M Agis Brusco, JL Muñoz Alcañiz, M Doñoro Mazario, N Fernández de Larrea Baz

aPediatra. CS Barrio del Pilar. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: P González. E-mail:

Reference of this article: González Rodríguez P, Parra Martínez MI, Herrero González MA, Agis Brusco M, Muñoz Alcañiz JL, Doñoro Mazario M, et al. diagnostic and preventive activities in an adolescent population of a Primary Care Health Centre. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2007;9:397-410.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2007 - Visits: 10019


Abstract Purpose: to examine the adolescents? (age 11-18) utilization of ambulatory care. Methods: prospective study of the activity in a Primary Care Health Centre over two years. 434 adolescents were included (age 11-18). Visit characteristics consisted of gender, age, country, number of visits, morbidity, health supervision visits, counselling on six selected topics: alcohol consumption, tobacco, and other illicit drugs, diet and exercise, injury prevention, sex advice, other explorations and specialty consultation, immunization status, family relationship and school performance, hospital admissions. Results: 353 adolescents (81%) attended at least once the physician office during this period. The mean number of visits was 3.97 + 4.6 (CI 95% = 3.53-4.41) and the mean number of check-ups was 0.57 + 0.64 (CI 95% = 0.51-0.63). The leading reasons for both male and female visits were respiratory, dermatological and musculoskeletal conditions. 212 adolescents (49%) had at least one check-up during this period, most of them among the group younger than 16. 69% of the adolescents received behavioural counselling regarding drinking, drugs, tobacco use, sexual education and nutrition. 98% of counselling was in the pediatric office. Conclusions: decreasing barriers to accessing Primary Care increases adolescent visits and their inclusion in preventive activities. Key words: Adolescent, Health promotion, Primary Care, Preventive health services.


Adolescent Health promotion Preventive health services Primary care

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