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Vol. 7 - Num. 2

Asthma in child and adolescent

Care programs for children with asthma in Spain. Current situation and proposals from tha Airways Network Group

Grupo de Vías Respiratorias (GVR)

Reference of this article: Grupo de Vías Respiratorias (GVR). Care programs for children with asthma in Spain. Current situation and proposals from tha Airways Network Group. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2005;7 Supl 2:S173-188.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2005 - Visits: 7925


Asthma is the most prevalent health problem in children and adolescents. Its burden (from all points of view: economics, social, health?) compel us to a proper health care planning and organization. In Spain every year appears new Integrated Health Care Programs, involving wide sanitary sectors, emphasizing the Primary Care, the correct coordination between several areas (education, social, health), the health education, and the leading role of little patients and their families. This paper describes the Proposal of the Airways Network Group from the Primary Care Paediatrics Spanish Association, which is based on the communitarian intervention model.


Adolescents Asthma Health Care Organization Health Care Programs

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