Vol. 7 - Num. 25
Original Papers
José Galbe Sánchez-Venturaa, C Fernández Espuelas, M Dieste Marcial, C Bernal Alonso, MA Checa Diez
aPediatra. CS Torrero La Paz. Zaragoza. España.
Correspondence: J Galbe. E-mail: galbester@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Galbe Sánchez-Ventura J, Fernández Espuelas C, Dieste Marcial M, Bernal Alonso C, Checa Diez MA. Do 6 months breastfed infants weight less than infants of Aragon reference population? Study of compared anthropometrics at 6 months of life. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2005;7:33-39.
Published in Internet: 31-03-2005 - Visits: 10867
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