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Vol. 1 - Num. 2

Organization, Administration and Management

Instruction of specialist in Paediatrics and the paediatric subspecialties

M Crespo Hernández

Reference of this article: Crespo Hernández M. Instruction of specialist in Paediatrics and the paediatric subspecialties. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 1999;1:209-224.

Published in Internet: 30-06-1999 - Visits: 8014


The Spanish postgraduate training system aims at the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes to practice as a competent general pediatrician in hospital and primary care. Criticisms to the traditional teaching system claim deficiencies in pediatric training, mainly at the level of primary care and emergencies. In the future, the teaching programs for residents must keep the overall training in Pediatrics, prevent the early subspecialization, emphasize on preventive and social measures, prepare for emerging diseases and new causes of mortality, include adolescence, and enhance the knowledge on the healthy child and his necessities.The specific training in pediatric subspecialities, which are essential for tertiary care, must be considered as an independent and subsequent period.


Primary Care Paediatrics Specialization in Pediatrics Specialized medical training

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