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Vol. 4 - Num. 15

Organization, Administration and Management

Residents training in Primary Care Pediatrics

José Manuel García Pugaa, I Peñalver Sánchez, Francisco Javier Sánchez Ruiz-Cabelloc, J Bras i Marquillas, L Jordano Salinas

aPediatra. CS Salvador Caballero. Granada. España.

cPediatra. CS Zaidín Sur. Granada. España.

Correspondence: JM García. E-mail:

Reference of this article: García Puga JM, Peñalver Sánchez I, Sánchez Ruiz-Cabello FJ, Bras i Marquillas J, Jordano Salinas L. Residents training in Primary Care Pediatrics. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2002;4:381-396.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2002 - Visits: 11681


The need of training in Primary Care (PC) of Pediatrics residents seems unquestionable at the present moment. Current pathology in childhood requires less hospital assistance, the large number of problems that are going to be solved at the primary care level and the fact that the majority of the pediatrician?s work after his residence is done outside the hospital are reasons to be added to the fact that this training is included into the program approved by the National Committee of Pediatrics Specialty. The only place in which the Primary Care training can be received and learned with accuracy is where it carries out, and with the pediatricians who work there. In our document we suggest some objectives as: to contribute to the Primary Care pediatrician?s work accrediting them as teachers and accrediting some Health Centres witch have the essential qualifications for this training program that we consider should last for 3 or 6 months. This has to be completed with an evaluation process by the teachers and the residents as well, and also a periodic reaccredidation of teachers and Primary Care Centres.


Accreditation Pediatrician Teachers Primary care Residents Training

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