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Vol. 3 - Num. 11

Organization, Administration and Management

Is it necessary a pharmacology specifically pediatric?

MA Peiré García

Reference of this article: Peiré García MA. Is it necessary a pharmacology specifically pediatric? Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2001;3:371-380.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2001 - Visits: 7636


Paediatric clinical pharmacology is a relative recent discipline in our country. It consists basically in the Pharmacology of the development, such the study of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse drug reactions and pharmacosurveillance, as well as the very important paediatric clinical trials. His study is multidisciplinary, interesting not only to epidemiologists and pharmacologists, but overall to paediatricians. This review pretends to justify the necessity of the knowledge of this discipline to paediatricians in order to improve the more rational use of drugs in children.


Clinical Trials Pharmacokinetics Pharmacology

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