Vol. 26 - Num. 101
Clinical Reviews
Victoria Domínguez Leóna, M.ª del Mar Estepa Jiménezb, Estela Membrillo Contiosoc, Cristóbal Coronel Rodríguezd
aMIR-Pediatría. Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla. España.
bMIR-Pediatría. Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla. España.
cZona Básica de Salud Condado Occidental. Huelva. España.
dPediatra. CS Amante Laffón. Sevilla. España.
Correspondence: V Domínguez. E-mail: victoriadominguezleon@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Domínguez León V, Estepa Jiménez MM, Membrillo Contioso E, Coronel Rodríguez C. Neonatal breast abscess: a case report . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2024;26:71-4. https://doi.org/10.60147/e775a20f
Published in Internet: 12-03-2024 - Visits: 10496
We present a 27-day-old girl with no significant medical history who attended pediatric consultation presenting with edema and hematoma in her right breast. The patient was admitted the next day following examination in ER due to the worsening of a starting breast abscess and was treated with intravenous antibiotic therapy. Due to the worsening of the condition and despite the intravenous antibiotic therapy, a surgical treatment was performed consisting in draining the abscess and washing the cavity. Finally, the problem was solved without any consequences.
● Neonatal breast abscess ● Neonatal mastitisComments
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