Vol. 24 - Num. 95
Clinical Reviews
Paula García Sáncheza, Laura Valladares Saladob, Celia Permuy Romerob, Cristina de Miguel Cáceresa, Miguel Ángel Molina Gutiérreza
aServicio de Urgencias de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario La Paz. Madrid. España.
bMIR-Pediatría. Servicio de Urgencias de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario La Paz. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: P García. E-mail: paula.garsa@gmail.com
Reference of this article: García Sánchez P, Valladares Salado L, Permuy Romero C, de Miguel Cáceres C, Molina Gutiérrez MA. Febrile seizures in siblings: coincidence in timing and aetiology . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2022;24:e331-e334.
Published in Internet: 11-10-2022 - Visits: 5998
The prevalence of febrile seizures is high in the paediatric population, and seizures are a frequent reason for emergency department (ED) visits, and a significant source of anxiety in caregivers. Their aetiology is multifactorial, and family aggregation has been described (as many as 25-40% of children with febrile seizures have a positive family history). However, this is the first time that febrile seizures have been described as occurring in siblings at the same time with identification of the same etiological agent.
We present the cases of 2 pairs of twins, aged 23 months and 33 months, respectively, who presented at the ED with simple febrile seizures in both twins at the same time. The physical and neurological examination were normal in all of them. Polymerase chain reaction tests for enterovirus in pharyngeal and/or rectal swabs were positive. All of the patients recovered fully and were discharged home without requiring further diagnostic tests.
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the important role of enterovirus infection in seizures. Therefore, enterovirus infection should be considered in the case of siblings presenting with febrile seizures at the same time. Establishing the aetiology of seizures may be reassuring to parents.
● Emergencies ● Enterovirus ● Febrile seizures ● Seizures ● Siblings ● TwinsComments
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