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Vol. 24 - Num. 93

Clinical Reviews

Paradoxical worsening in a moderate to severe asthma exacerbation

Lucía Fernández Calderóna, María López de Viñaspre Vera-Fajardob, Cristina López Fernándeza, Teresa Torre Gonzálezb

aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander. España.
bMIR-Pediatría. Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander. España.

Correspondence: L Fernández. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Fernández Calderón L, López de Viñaspre Vera-Fajardo M, López Fernández C, Torre González T. Paradoxical worsening in a moderate to severe asthma exacerbation. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2022;24:e115-e119.

Published in Internet: 25-02-2022 - Visits: 10669


Asthma exacerbations are among the most frequent reasons for paediatric primary care and emergency care visits. Asthma is a disease with a well-established management and treatment algorithm based on severity, and drugs with a good safety profile for the paediatric population are available for its treatment. We present a case with a poor inital response illustrating a paradoxical reaction to salbutamol.


Albuterol Asthma Lactic acidosis



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