M.ª Teresa Porter Almaraza, Susana Criado Camargoa, Julia Saiz Alíaa, Teresa del Rosal Rabesb
aMIR Pediatría. Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz. Madrid. España.
bServicio de Infectología Pediátrica. Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: MT Porter . E-mail: teporal24@hotmail.com
Reference of this article: Porter Almaraz MT, Criado Camargo S, Saiz Alía J, del Rosal Rabes T. Purulent neonatal conjunctivitis: it is not always gonococcal. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2021;23:e147-e150.
Published in Internet: 17-12-2021 - Visits: 12656
We present the case of a 5-day-old newborn, with no relevant perinatal history attended at the Emergency Department due to right-sided conjunctivitis with abundant purulent discharge. He does not show any other systemic infection. Ocular prophylaxis with chlortetracycline eye ointment had been administered after delivery. Gonococcal infection is initially suspected due to the seriousness of the symptoms, and systemic antibiotic therapy is started. Finally, Escherichia coli was isolated in the conjunctival culture.
● Conjunctivitis ● E. coli ● Neonatal conjunctivitis ● Purulent conjunctivitis
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