Vol. 20 - Num. 27
Asunción Vicente Villaa, Dolors Canadell Villaretb
aSección de Dermatología Pediátrica. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu. Facultad de Medicina. Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona. España.
bPediatra. CAP Barberá del Vallés. Barcelona. España.
Reference of this article: Vicente Villa A, Canadell Villaret D. Dermatology in dark skins. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. Supl. 2018;(27):77-82.
Published in Internet: 08-06-2018 - Visits: 110610
Dermatology is a frequent reason for consultation in pediatrics and even more in pediatric primary care services. In recent years, the increase in immigrant children from developing countries and children from international adoption has changed the usual pathology in our environment. The pediatrician and the dermatologist must learn to explore the skin of these children who have a different skin color from ours and know how to differentiate the normality of the pathology. Although immigrant children may have other diseases because they are genetically predisposed, most will be infectious diseases. It is a challenge to know how to diagnose and treat diseases from their countries of origin that we used to see only in books.
● Child, adopted ● Emigrants and Immigrants ● Skin diseases ● Skin pigmentation
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