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Vol. 19 - Num. 75

Clinical Reviews

Newborn epulis

Mario César Elías Podestáa, Jesús Mauro Cóndor Astucurib, M.ª Antonieta García Gutiérrezc, César Arellano Sacramentod, Paloma Elías Díaza

aEscuela Académico Profesional de Odontología. Universidad Continental. Huancayo. Perú.
bHospital Nacional Ramiro Prialé, Prialé-EsSalud. Huancayo. Perú.
cCS Chilca (Minsa). Junín. Perú.
dEscuela Académico Profesional de Odontología. Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener. Lima. Perú.

Reference of this article: Elías Podestá MC, Cóndor Astucuri JM, García Gutiérrez MA, Arellano Sacramento C, Elías Díaz P. Newborn epulis. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2017;19:275-8.

Published in Internet: 02-08-2017 - Visits: 55166


A seven-day-old girl whose mother says she was “born with a lump in her mouth”. During breastfeeding some milk came out from her upper lip in small quantities. At the clinical examination, three lobes (one palatine and two vestibular) were found in the left maxilla. Suspected diagnosis: congenital epulis of the newborn. After 27 days, when she returned to consultation, it was observed that the palatine lobule had disappeared spontaneously. Conventional surgery was performed for the case, removing the tumor completely. The surgical part was sent to pathology resulting in definitive diagnosis: congenital epulis of the newborn.


Congenital abnormalities Gingival diseases Gingival neoplasms Newborn



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