Vol. 18 - Num. 70
Clinical Reviews
Salomé Ruiz Escusola, Yolanda Gómez Lópezb, Clara Martín Callizoc
aPediatra. EAP Tarragona 1. Bonavista-La Canonja. Tarragona. España.
bSalou. Tarragona. España.
cServicio de Dermatología. Hospital Joan XXIII. Tarragona. España.
Correspondence: S Ruiz. E-mail: sruiz.tgn.ics@gencat.cat
Reference of this article: Ruiz Escusol S, Gómez López Y, Martín Callizo C. Black heel. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2016;70:183-4.
Published in Internet: 22-06-2016 - Visits: 248046
The black heel is a benign lesion, common in teenagers that often play sport, produced because of the continuous contact with the sport shoe, that manifests like a brown-black spot located at the touch zones of the heel. It disappears without any treatment, especially if the sport stops. It is important to know this entity to differentiate it from malignant melanoma, and avoid unnecessary derivations to dermatologists. Virtual consultations sending photos to specialists could help in doubtful cases. We present two cases of black heel in two young athletic children.
● Black heel ● Calcaneo
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