Vol. 17 - Num. 67
Clinical Reviews
Ricardo Gómez Alonsoa, Concepción Gómez Deyrosb, Carol Castellares Gonzáleza, Jesús Bravo Rodríguezc
aPediatra. CS Santa Mónica. Rivas Vaciamadrid. Madrid. España.
bPediatra. CS Santa Mónica. Rivas-Vaciamadrid. Madrid. España.
cResponsable de Enfermería. CS Santa Mónica. Rivas-Vaciamadrid. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: R Gómez. E-mail: rgomeza@salud.madrid.org
Reference of this article: Gómez Alonso R, Gómez Deyros C, Castellares González C, Bravo Rodríguez J. Total dystrophic onychomycosis in both feet by Tricophyton rubrum. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2015;17:251-3.
Published in Internet: 10-09-2015 - Visits: 21191
Onychomycosis is an uncommon condition in children. When it appears, it usually affects toenails, mainly the first and fifth toenails, and occasionally it is associated to tinea pedis. We report a case of total dystrophic onychomycosis by Tricophyton rubrum in both feet in a male patient seven years old, with favorable outcome after systemic and topical treatment.
The interest of this case report lies in the low prevalence of onychomycosis at this age, as well as in an uncommon (total dystrophic) clinical presentation. Fungal isolation is sometimes challenging, but the culture proved positive in this case.
● Itraconazole ● Onychomycosis ● Tricophytum
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