Vol. 17 - Num. 67
Clinical Reviews
Blanca Rosich del Cachoa, Miguel Ángel Molina Gutiérrezb
aPediatra. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz. Madrid. Madrid. ESPAÑA.
bServicio de Urgencias Pediátricas. Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: B Rosich. E-mail: bla_1987@hotmail.com
Reference of this article: Rosich del Cacho B, Molina Gutiérrez MA. Bullous Henoch Schölein purpura, an infrequent form of presentation. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2015;17:259-61.
Published in Internet: 04-09-2015 - Visits: 14630
Henoch Schölein Purpura (HSP) is the most common systemic vasculitis of childhood. In contrast to adults, the occurrence of blood blisters is uncommon in children. We report the case of a male 3 years old who came to the emergency room after the onset of an acute form of bullous lesions associated to palpable purpura and systemic involvement. The patient required hospitalization and systemic corticosteroid treatment, with favourable progress.
● Blisters ● Henoch-Schönlein purpura
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