Mariano Vicente Cuevasa, S Olmedo Sanlaureanoa, Ana Jiménez Moyab
aUnidad de Gestión de Pediatría. Hospital Comarcal de Algeciras. Algeciras. Cádiz. España.
bGrupo SEN34-36/ACUNA. Sociedad Española de Neonatología. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Punta Europa. Algeciras. Cádiz. España.
Correspondence: M Vicente. E-mail:
Reference of this article: Vicente Cuevas M, Olmedo Sanlaureano S, Jiménez Moya A. Systemic lupus erythematosus. A case report with cutaneous presentation. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2013;15:55.e5-e9.
Published in Internet: 04-03-2013 - Visits: 48957
Pediatric Systemic lupus erythematosus is a multisystem chronic autoimmune disease with complex clinical manifestations. The clinical presentation has a cyclic nature. The initial symptoms are nonspecific. It affects multiple organs with specific symptoms depending on their location. Its skin manifestation may or may not occur with systemic manifestation. It is the great mimic that can simulate other diseases. The heterogeneous nature of lupus makes it a diagnosis medical challenge. Since there is not an only symptom or finding leading to the diagnosis of the disease, the American College of Rheumatology has established some criteria for the evaluation of suspicion of lupus. Treatment depends on the clinical manifestations, on the presence/absence of vital organs affectation and its approach must be multidisciplinary. The survival has improved in the last decade due to its early diagnosis and treatment. However, his prognosis continues to be serious. We present the clinical case of a 10 year old diagnosed girl with this condition.
● Systemic lupus eythematosus
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