Vol. 12 - Num. 19
Gonzalo Pin Arboledasa, Ramón Ugarte Libanob
aPediatra. Unidad de Pediatría Integral Q Valencia. Unidad Valenciana del Sueño. Hospital Quirón. Valencia. España.
bPediatra. CS Olaguibel. Servicio Vasco de Salud-Osakidetza. Vitoria-Gasteiz. Álava. España.
Reference of this article: Pin Arboledas G, Ugarte Libano R. What Primary Care pediatricians should know about sleep. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12(Supl 19):s219-s230.
Published in Internet: 20-11-2010 - Visits: 21776
The role of the Primary Care pediatrician is essential for early diagnosis and treatment of major sleep disorders. We review the top ten questions that a Primary Care pediatrician should ask himself. A summary on the roles of the pediatrician in terms of health education and treatment in sleep medicine is drawn: to make the correct diagnosis, to know normal physiological events associated with sleep, to establish preventive measures, to screen out sleep disorders in each health examination, which includes screening tests that are the basic elements of prevention and early diagnosis, and to initiate an early treatment of the sleep problems.
● Education ● Prevention ● Primary care ● Sleep
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