Vol. 12 - Num. 19
M.ª Teresa Asensi Monzóa, CM Sánchez Medinab
aPediatra. CS Serrería1. Valencia. España.
bPediatra. CS Albalat de la Ribera. Valencia. España.
Reference of this article: Asensi Monzó MT, Sánchez Medina CM. Keys of education in asthma: interactive cases report. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12(Supl 19):s201-s213.
Published in Internet: 20-11-2010 - Visits: 20126
Asthma is a chronic complex disease, with a great variability and a big impact, not only in the affected patients and their families, but also in general society.
The prevalence of childhood asthma is high, it affects about 10% of the children and adolescents, and it is the chronic condition that consumes more resources and time in pediatric primary care in our population.
The correct asthma management implies that a proper diagnosis is made, that the seriousness of the condition has been evaluated and that the appropriate treatment has been prescribed. Therapeutic education is an essential component in the treatment of childhood asthma in which the patient and his family have to be trained and educated, in order to achieve a good control of the disease and improve the quality of life.
In order that educational programs are effective it is necessary the adequate training of health professionals, being important an adequate communication and relationship between them and the patients so that they understand the disease, its treatment and they improve the adherence to treatment.
This seminar will present a series of clinical cases to approach various diagnostic, therapeutic and educational contents of childhood asthma.
● Adolescent ● Asthma ● Child ● Education
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