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Vol. 12 - Num. 48

Clinical Reviews

Gallstones in the infant. A case report

María Nieves Fernández Martínez a, José Ramallo Hermoa, María Violeta González Condeb, MS Cameán Hermoc

aPediatra. CS de Boiro. A Coruña. España.
bPediatra. CS de A Cañiza. Pontevedra. España.
cEnfermera pediátrica. Servicio de Pediatría. CS de Boiro. A Coruña. España.

Correspondence: MN Fernández. E-mail: nievesfer@mundo-r.com

Reference of this article: Fernández Martínez MN, Ramallo Hermo J, González Conde MV, Cameán Hermo MS. Gallstones in the infant. A case report. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12:615-9.

Published in Internet: 12-11-2010 - Visits: 14887


Until recently gallstones in baby was considered a rare disease. The number of diagnosed cases has risen much in recent years, this is mainly due the ultrasound as technique to study all recurrent abdominal pain or unspecific. The symptomatic gallstones in infant& presents a table of nonspecific abdominal discomfort and it is bound to have it in the differential diagnosis of any infant with unfavorable evolution despite treatment of other diseases more frequently.


Gallbladder Infant



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