Vol. 27 - Num. 105
Clinical Reviews
Ana M.ª Escalona Gila, María Martín Galachea, Alejandro Jiménez Domínguezb, Laura San Feliciano Martínc
aMIR-Pediatría. Hospital Universitario de Salamanca. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica (IBSAL). Salamanca. España.
bMIR-Pediatría. Hospital Universitario de Salamanca. Salamanca. España.
cUnidad de Neonatología. Hospital Universitario de Salamanca. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica (IBSAL). Universidad de Salamanca. Salamanca. España.
Correspondence: AM Escalona. E-mail: amescalona@saludcastillayleon.es
Reference of this article: Escalona Gil AM, Martín Galache M, Jiménez Domínguez A, San Feliciano Martín L. Self-healing collodion baby: a rare condition . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2025;27:[en prensa].
Published in Internet: 11-03-2025 - Visits: 254
A 19-hour-old male term neonate was admitted with a parchment-like surface membrane covering the whole body. Collodion baby was suspected, and a preventive treatment for keratitis and synechiae was started. Temperature and humidity conservation measures were applied in the incubator, together with asepsis and intense hydration with emollients.
Collodion baby is a rare dermatosis (incidence: 1/50,000-100,000), which requires an adequate diagnosis and management due to the intense alteration of the skin barrier. It may be associated with complications, such as dehydration, hypothermia, or skin infections.
● Collodion baby ● Ichthyosis ● Self-healingComments
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