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Vol. 11 - Num. 41

Original Papers

Situation of Pediatrics Primary Care in Galicia

L Bamonde Rodrígueza, Teresa Valls Duránb, ME Amigo Ferreiroc, A Díaz Sánchezd, I Díaz-Cardama Sousae, L Garnelo Suárezf, J Grandio Pardog, C Maiz Calh, A Meiriño Garcíai, R Pérez Cobeta, P Pereira Garcíak, R Pumarega Vergarae

aPediatra. CS O Grove. Pontevedra. España.
bPediatra. Servicio de Pediatría. C.S. Val Miñor. Nigrán. Pontevedra. España.
cPediatra. CS Santa Comba. A Coruña. España.
dPediatra. CS La Milagrosa. Lugo. España.
ePediatra. CS A Estrada. A Coruña. España.
fPediatra. CS Pintor Colmeiro. Vigo. Pontevedra. España.
gPediatra. CS San José. A Coruña. España.
hPediatra. CS El Ventorrillo. A Coruña. España.
iPediatra. CS Monterroso. Lugo. España.

kPediatra. CS Milladoiro. Ames. A Coruña. España.

Reference of this article: Bamonde Rodríguez L, Valls Durán T, Amigo Ferreiro ME, Díaz Sánchez A, Díaz-Cardama Sousa I, Garnelo Suárez L, et al. Situation of Pediatrics Primary Care in Galicia. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2009;11:17-31.

Published in Internet: 31-03-2009 - Visits: 14790


Objective: to assess the social and working conditions and the needs of primary care pediatricians in the Autonomous Community of Galicia.

Methods: a survey was carried out during the second half of 2007; the questionnaire was sent to 315 primary care paediatricians working for the Galician Health Service. It included questions about their social and working profile and conditions, health centre, number of patients assigned, daily work organization, nurse support, research and teaching activities, professional relationships and future expectations.

Results: one hundred and eighty pediatricians (57.9%) answered the survey. There was a majority of women, age range 40-55 years, with two children on average, who have obtained their pediatric specialization through the hospital resident training programme (MIR). They mostly work in primary care health centres (EAP), in rural or semi urban towns of less than 50.000 inhabitants, with a morning only clinics schedule, which is the preferred schedule by almost all the respondents. The number of patients assigned to each paediatrician varies considerably. They usually work with a nurse, in half of the cases shared with other doctors, and who they consider highly motivated but often lacking specific training for their task.

Conclusions: finally, generally speaking, we can say that Galician primary care pediatricians feel satisfied with their work. The wish more frequently expressed in the survey is to have easier access to continuing medical training and in a second, but close, position the claim for a higher salary.


Primary Care Paediatrics Survey



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