Vol. 10 - Num. 14
Alfonsa Lora Espinosaa, Manuel Praena Crespob, J Rodríguez Castillac
aPediatra. Unidad de Investigación y Eficiencia Clínica. CS Puerta Blanca. Málaga. España.
bPediatra. CS La Candelaria. Sevilla. España.
cFarmacéutico. DS Huelva-Sierra Andévalo Norte. España.
Reference of this article: Lora Espinosa A, Praena Crespo M, Rodríguez Castilla J. Rational use of drugs in childhood asthma. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2008;10 Supl 2:S155-65.
Published in Internet: 30-06-2008 - Visits: 9573
More than 50% of patients with asthma are treated in a way that is not consistent with the Clinical Practice Guidelines (GPC). Paediatricians do not receive regular information on their prescriptions to be able know and reflect on their appropriateness to the criteria of the CPG.
Objetive: to obtain and to maintain the best control possible of children´s asthma, promoting the rational use of antiasthmatic drugs.
Methods: based on one clinical case, we will analyze the possible therapeutic options interactively and we will give arguments to choose the best. Analysis of the prescription in Extremadura.
Conclusions: the treatment recommended for most children with asthma is an inhaled corticosteroid (CI) at low-medium doses as monotherapy. The indications of monotherapy with montelukast are those of the data sheet: family without desire/ability to use inhalers and lack of recent asthma attacks. Steroid and long-acting, agonist (BAAL) associated should be restricted to the most serious grades of asthma in children older than 4 years unless good control with CI. The association BAAL/CI cannot be recommended currently as maintenance and rescue therapy in patients less than 18 year of age. Salbutamol and Terbutaline are drugs recommended for the exercise induced asthma. In attacks: a quick action B2 agonist is the drug of choice. Ipratropium bromide only in serious attacks, with Beta-2. In moderate-severe crises can be associated short oral corticosteroids rounds.
● Anti-asthmatic agents ● Inhaled corticosteroids ● Long-action adrenergic agonists ● Montelukast ● Rational use of drugs ● Short-action adrenergic agonistsThis content is not available in html format but you may download it in Acrobat Reader (PDF).
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