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Vol. 1 - Num. 4

Original Papers

Plagiocephaly without synostosis and sleep possition

A Panero López, Ángel Hernández Merinob, MJ Dorado de Regil, C García Pérez

bPediatra de Atención Primaria. Madrid. Vocal del Comité Asesor de Vacunas de la AEP. España.

Reference of this article: Panero López A, Hernández Merino A, Dorado de Regil MJ, García Pérez C. Plagiocephaly without synostosis and sleep possition. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 1999;1:553-559.

Published in Internet: 31-12-1999 - Visits: 9947


We have noticed an increase in craneal deformities in healthy toddlers the last few years, probably due to sleeping position. A four years prospective study has been made in a consulting room of primary pediatric care. The frequence of plagiocephaly without sinostosis was 11.8% among newborn babies we have seen in this period, mean timing of initial diagnosis was 2.6 months and resolution occurred at 11.4 months. These findings suggest that this deformitie has a moderate frequency if its detection is carefully attempted and that positional changes should be recomended in babies who tend to rest their head always on one side.


Cranial asimmetry Plagiocephaly Sleeping position

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