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Vol. 8 - Num. 31

Original Papers

Comparative study on breastfeeding between two Basic Health Zones of Valencia Community

MC Borja Pastor, E Rico Marí, M Morales Suárez-Varela, Mª Isabel Úbeda Sansanob, Pilar Codoñer Franchc

bPediatra. CS de L’Eliana. Valencia. España.
cServicio de Pediatra. Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset. Departamento de Pediatría, Ginecología y Obstetricia. Universitat de València. Valencia. España.

Reference of this article: Borja Pastor MC, Rico Marí E, Morales Suárez-Varela M, Úbeda Sansano MI, Codoñer Franch P. Comparative study on breastfeeding between two Basic Health Zones of Valencia Community. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2006;8:421-33.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2006 - Visits: 8940


Objectives: social conditioning has an influence on the type of the lactation. This work attempts to assess the existence of significant differences between two basic health zones in esa Regional Community. Also it attempts to assess possible differences between native and immigrant population in a health zone. Finally, another goal is to consider whether some changes should be performed or not, in the intervention on breastfeeding promotion. Design: prospective observational study. Material and methods: cohort design of 528 children born since January 2000 till April 2004 by means of an interview to the mother by the paediatrician during control visits of the Child Health Program. Results: a greater introduction of breastfeeding at birth is observed in both basic health zones analyzed, compared to the mean in the Valencia Community. The breastfeeding intention and duration are higher in the immigrant population than in the native one. The breastfeeding is maintained with a greater percentage and longer in the zone with a higher economic and social status. Conclusions: it is necessary to increase breastfeeding introduction in hospital maternities as well as to maintain it a longer time, which should be considered a health objective by Primary Care Teams. It is convenient to delay the introduction of the complementary diet till the 6th month after birth in order not to interfere in the success of breastfeeding.


Breastfeeding Native and immigrant population

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