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Vol. 5 - Num. 20

Original Papers

Imperforate hymen: a ten years revision

S Vilanova Fernández, A Roca Jaume, Nieves Nieto Rincónb, JF Mulet Ferragut, JM Román Piñana

bPediatra. Consultorios de Ugena y El Viso de San Juan. Illescas. Toledo. España.

Reference of this article: Vilanova Fernández S, Roca Jaume A, Nieto Rincón N, Mulet Ferragut JF, Román Piñana JM. Imperforate hymen: a ten years revision. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2003;5:563-570.

Published in Internet: 31-12-2003 - Visits: 10686


Imperforate hymen is a relatively infrequent pathology, but it is present in our environment. In this work, a retrospective study of 10 diagnosed cases of imperforate hymen is made from 1992 to 2002 in our hospital. Most of the patients were teenagers, with non-specific clinical symptoms (abdominal pain and urinary symptoms), that in some cases made the diagnosis difficult. The diagnosis was based on anamnesis and physical exploration, using the abdominal ultrasound like support. Surgery was the treatment. A revision about diagnosis, treatment and its complications in medical literature is made.


Hematocolpos Hydrocolpos Imperforate hymen

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