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Vol. 5 - Num. 19

Original Papers

Mother´s work influence on breastfeeding

MR Martínez Fernández, J Gonzalo Hombrados, A Sanz Rosado, B Hindi y El Kassis, MP Martín Aranda, AM Canicatti Galiano

Reference of this article: Martínez Fernández MR, Gonzalo Hombrados J, Sanz Rosado A, Hindi y El Kassis B, Martín Aranda MP, Canicatti Galiano AM. Mother´s work influence on breastfeeding. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2003;5:385-394.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2003 - Visits: 9157


Objectives: The main objective is to establish the influence of the mother?s return to work on the cessation of breastfeeding (BF) and to determine if the reasons for stopping are different in the working mothers group. The main reasons for stopping and the BF duration are also studied. Design: Descriptive, retrospective study. Material, methods and population: The pediatricians passed a questionnaire to the mothers when they came for the child 12,18 and 24 routine examination. Inclusion criteria: healthy newborns who had received BF for at least 24 hours and without absolute contraindications for BF. Results: 65 children were included in the study. The mean duration of BF was 4,81 months (SD 3,54). In the working mothers group was 4,31 (SD 2,57). The children mean age when the mother came back to work was 4,4 (SD 2,02). The main reason to stop BF was the hipogalactia (50,8%) but in the working mothers group was the return to work (46,2%). Conclusions: In the studied group there weren?t statistically significative differences in the duration of BF when comparing the group of mothers who came back to work after delivery and the ones who didn?t.


Breastfeeding Breastfeeding cessation Mother’s work

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