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Vol. 5 - Num. 19

Organization, Administration and Management

Current situation of Pediatric Primary Care in Madrid

Paz González Rodrígueza, B Sueiro Pita, MJ Carnicero Pastor

aPediatra. CS Barrio del Pilar. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: P González. E-mail:

Reference of this article: González Rodríguez P, Sueiro Pita B, Carnicero Pastor MJ. Current situation of Pediatric Primary Care in Madrid. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2003;5:375-384.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2003 - Visits: 10007


Objectives: To describe the situation of Primary Care pediatricians in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Methods: A survey was sent to 697 pediatricians working in Primary Care in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. The survey included 53 questions about the social and professional career, the Primary Care Centre, pediatric education, continuing medical education, relationships among Primary Care pediatricians and Hospital specialists, community involvement, and opinions related to professional issues. Results: The questionnaire was answered by 337 pediatricians (48%) The majority are women, working in a Primary Care Centre, with at least two pediatricians and there are also pediatric nurses. They are specialists after the residence training. They believe that the optimal number of patients to work with is around 500-1000. They think that new programs should be included in the assessment services to meet the needs of pediatric population. About 60% would continue with their patients after the age of 14 if they could. They suggest the necessary changes for pediatric training and the need to increase residency training in the Primary Care setting. Relationships between Primary Care and Hospital could improve, so they add some suggestions. Interaction among pediatricians and Primary Care professionals are good and they are also involved in the decisions and activities in the Primary Care Centre. Conclusions: To assess and analyse the situation of pediatricians in Primary Care in Madrid and consequently implement changes we should know their current situation.


Primary Care pediatrician Survey

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