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Vol. 5 - Num. 18

Special Articles

Contraception in adolescence

M.ª Rosario Benítez Rubioa, MI Medranda de Lázaro, C Pizarro Hernández

aCS Miraflores. Alcobendas. Madrid. España.

Reference of this article: Benítez Rubio MR, Medranda de Lázaro MI, Pizarro Hernández C. Contraception in adolescence. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2003;5:273-298.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2003 - Visits: 8071


The adolescence is a life period characterized by deep changes, as somatics like emotionals. In the actual occidental society, the adolescence presents a larger duration, especially for the favourest social strata, contributing to it not only more precocious appearance of menarche (mean age 12,6 years) but also different socio-cultural aspects. The beginning of coital sexual relations has experimented an advance too (mean age 15-17 years). In this work we wish offer to primary attention paediatrician, a revision of different contraceptive methods available in our country at the moment and a review of the more important legal aspects related with sexuality and contracepcion in this age group, with the purpose of favour daily job in our surgeries.


Adolescent Contraception Legal aspects Primary care Sexuality

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