Vol. 26 - Num. 102
Clinical Reviews
Paula Vidal Lanaa, Mercedes Cemeli Canoa, Elena Borque Navarroa, Sara Beltrán Garcíaa, Eva M.ª Jiménez Péreza, M.ª Jordana Díaz Alonsob
aPediatra. CS Valdespartera. Zaragoza. España.
bEnfermera. CS Valdespartera. Zaragoza. España.
Correspondence: P Vidal. E-mail: pvidall@salud.aragon.es
Reference of this article: Vidal Lana P, Cemeli Cano M, Borque Navarro E, Beltrán García S, Jiménez Pérez EM, Díaz Alonso MJ. Limbus vertebrae: a casual finding? . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2024;26:185-8. https://doi.org/10.60147/2e945b99
Published in Internet: 24-06-2024 - Visits: 5380
Limbus vertebrae is an intraosseus herniation of the nucleus pulposus through the vertebral apophyseal ring before the complete fusion of the vertebral body. Although many cases are asymptomatic, there are an increasing number of studies that associate limbus vertebrae with low back pain or radiculopathy. We present a limbus vertebrae case in a 11-year-old patient. The added eosinophilia finding made us rule out other clinical entities.
● Eosinophilia ● Limbus vertebrae ● Low back painComments
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