Vol. 25 - Num. 100
Clinical Reviews
Mercedes Cemeli Canoa, Paula Vidal Lanaa, Eva M.ª Jiménez Péreza, Mónica López Camposa, Sara Beltrán Garcíaa
aPediatra. CS Valdespartera. Zaragoza. España.
Correspondence: M Cemeli. E-mail: cano.mcemeli@salud.aragon.es
Reference of this article: Cemeli Cano M, Vidal Lana P, Jiménez Pérez EM, López Campos M, Beltrán García S. Bertolotti syndrome. Back pain in a teenager . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2023;25:405-9. https://doi.org/10.60147/2950b6af
Published in Internet: 21-12-2023 - Visits: 31622
Bertolotti syndrome, also called transverse megapophysis, is a congenital anomaly consisting of transitional vertebrae at the lumbosacral level, whereby the last L5 lumbar vertebra becomes “sacralized”. It is one of the causes of chronic low back pain, reaching 20% in those under 30 years of age, with few cases reported in children. A 14-year-old girl is presented with low back pain for 2 months with little response to symptomatic treatment. Complementary tests were requested, finding a transverse megapophysis in L5 in the column X-ray. The patient remains under follow-up by traumatology with analgesic and physiotherapy treatment.
● Bertolotti syndrome ● Congenital malformation ● Spinal disordersComments
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