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Vol. 25 - Num. 100

Organization, Administration and Management

Health Care Model for Children and Adolescents in Primary Care. The reality of shared comprehensive care

M.ª Vega Almazán Fernández de Bobadillaa, Eduardo Ortega Páezb, José Emilio Callejas Pozoc, Antonio Zurita Muñozd

aPediatra. CS Maracena. Granada. España.
bPediatra. UGC Góngora. Distrito Granada-Metropolitano. Granada. España.
cPediatra. CS La Zubia. Distrito Granada-Metropolitano. Granada. España.
dEnfermero pediátrico. CS La Zubia. Granada. España.

Correspondence: MV Almazán. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Almazán Fernández de Bobadilla MV, Ortega Páez E, Callejas Pozo JE, Zurita Muñoz A. Health Care Model for Children and Adolescents in Primary Care. The reality of shared comprehensive care . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2023;25:357-65.

Published in Internet: 15-12-2023 - Visits: 10009


Currently, the health care model for the paediatric and juvenile population in primary care varies throughout Spain. Primary care is the first contact for paediatric patients and their families, care that was mainly provided by paediatricians and which must be addressed in an integrated manner by the professional categories involved in the promotion, health education and comprehensive care of children, such as paediatricians, paediatric nurses and nurses in charge of educational centres. The paediatrician and the paediatric nurse are the professionals adequately trained to care for the paediatric population in primary care and good care requires the interdependence of both professionals and cooperation with other professional figures in the educational centre and the health centre.

Community health activities are necessary, working with the assets of the community to achieve health care based on equity and quality from a global perspective of the child in his or her biopsychosocial nature.


Healthcare Models Primary Care Nursing Primary health care


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