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Vol. 25 - Num. 98

Clinical Reviews

Mesiodens: two case reports

Jorge Lévano Vásqueza, Carmen Ballesteros Martínb, Victoria M.ª Díaz Marugánc, María Barbolla Mate d

aPediatra. CS Los Pintores. Parla. Madrid. España .
bOdontóloga. CS Los Pintores. Parla. Madrid. España.
cPediatra. CS Mar Báltico. Madrid. España.
dHigienista dental. CS Los Pintores. Parla. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: J Lévano. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Lévano Vásquez J, Ballesteros Martín C, Díaz Marugán VM, Barbolla Mate M. Mesiodens: two case reports . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2023;25:179-83.

Published in Internet: 07-06-2023 - Visits: 8878


The mesiodens is the most common supernumerary tooth, located in the maxillary midline between the central incisors. Its etiology is uncertain and multiple theories have been put forward. Early diagnosis and treatment allows the spontaneous eruption of the permanent incisors, and avoids associated complications as well as more complex subsequent treatments. In this article, two cases of mesiodens in patients attending the primary care pediatric outpatient clinic are presented.


Incisor Mesiodens Supernumerary tooth


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