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Vol. 25 - Num. 98

Special Articles

Artificial Intelligence. Challenges and concerns

Rafael Jiménez Alésa

aPediatra de Atención Primaria. Unidad de Gestión Clínica Puente Genil. Área de Gestión Sanitaria Córdoba Sur. Córdoba. España.

Correspondence: R Jiménez. E-mail: rafael.jimenez.ales.sspa@juntadeandalucia.es

Reference of this article: Jiménez Alés R. Artificial Intelligence. Challenges and concerns . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2023;25:205-10.

Published in Internet: 19-05-2023 - Visits: 7924


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence. In paediatrics, AI can play an important role in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of acute and chronic conditions in children. AI can assist paediatricians in the diagnosis of rare syndromes that are, by definition, unfamiliar to paediatricians and require knowledge of many details. It can also be used for the monitoring of growth and development and for the follow-up of patients with chronic diseases. In robotic paediatric surgery, where small organs need to be operated on, AI can also be useful.

AI requires a large amount of data for training. In the field of paediatrics, it can be difficult to obtain sufficient data due to the lack of paediatric patients and the particular sensitivity of health data.

Potential dual use and vulnerability to malicious manipulation are the main concerns.


Artificial intelligence Deep learning Digital medicine Machine learning Neural networks Robots


JEBlanco commented on 07/08/2023 at 21:12:

Excelente artículo. Dos propuestas que creo que pueden enriquecer lo tratado. Por un lado, la iniciativa FACE2GENE ( https://www.face2gene.com) desarrollada por FDNA, es un conjunto de aplicaciones de fenotipado que facilita evaluaciones genéticas completas y precisas, excelente herramienta en la ayuda diagnóstica para patología sindrómica . Y por otro lado, una cita bibliográfica que puede entiquecer el análisis: el Informe sobre la relación clínico-digital emitido por el Comité de Bioética de Castilla - La Mancha, con apartado especifico relacionado con la inteligencia artificial (https://sanidad.castillalamancha.es/sites/sescam.castillalamancha.es/files/documentos/paginas/archivos/informe_sobre_la_relacion_clinico-digital_del_cb_de_clm.pdf)