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Vol. 25 - Num. 98

Clinical Reviews

Weight loss as clinical presentation of mesenteric lipoblastoma in an infant

Silvia Rodríguez del Rosarioa, M.ª Jesús Redondo Granadob, Isabel Gómez Martínc

aMIR-Pediatría. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid. Valladolid. España.
bPediatra. CS Plaza del Ejército. Valladolid. España
cPediatra. CS Tudela de Duero. Valladolid. España.

Correspondence: S Rodríguez. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Rodríguez del Rosario S, Redondo Granado MJ, Gómez Martín I. Weight loss as clinical presentation of mesenteric lipoblastoma in an infant . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2023;25:169-73.

Published in Internet: 10-05-2023 - Visits: 4356


Introduction: loss weight in the second year of life is a frequent reason for consultation that requires follow-up and sometimes work up complementary in order to rule out the most frequent causes at this age, such as infections or malabsorptive diseases. We present the case of an infant with weight stagnation secondary to an unfrequent cause.

Clinical case: a male began with weight loss at 15 months of age, with appetite and general condition preserved without other symptoms. A decrease in weight percentile was observed from 75th to the 25th percentile over three months without repercussions on height or head circumference. On physical examination, he appeared thinned, with abdominal distension and tympanism. Complementary tests, including celiac disease antibodies to suspected malabsorptive syndrome were ordered, without patological findings. Abdominal ultrasound showed an image compatible with a big tumor. With these findings, an abdominal CT scan and MRI were performed, and an image compatible with mesenteric lipoblastoma was found. Surgery was performed at 20 months, supporting the suspected diagnosis in the histological study.

Conclusion: lipoblastomas are infrequent benign tumors, mainly exclusive of the pediatric age. Frecuently, they are located in superficial areas, and are asymptomatic. Those of deep localization, as the described case, are usually exceptional, and may present symptoms secondary to local compression. The definitive diagnosis is made by histological study and the removal the treatment of choice.


Infant Lipoblastoma Mesentery Weight loss


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