Vol. 25 - Num. 98
Pedro J. Gorrotxategi Gorrotxategia
aDoctor en Medicina. Vocal del Comité de Ética de la Investigación de Euskadi de 2007 a 2020.
Correspondence: PJ Gorrotxategi. E-mail: pedro.gorrotxa@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Gorrotxategi Gorrotxategi PJ. Transgender law, liberum arbitrium . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2023;25:e57-e60.
Published in Internet: 25-04-2023 - Visits: 6852
The new law on the equality of trans people and the guarantee of rights of LGTBI people (Law 4/2023, February 28th) has been discussed by some groups of medical professionals that have shown their disagreement.
In relation to any law, criticism can be made from the medical or pediatric field; whenever it affects the rights of minors. However, criticisms, if they exist, should be made about what the law says, not about other aspects.
In the following article we will analyze what the law says, what some professional associations say and what the legislation says about the health rights of minors, in order to contribute to the debate on these controversial aspects of the law.
● Doctrine of the mature minor ● Health assistance ● Informed consent ● Transgender lawComments
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