Vol. 25 - Num. 97
Clinical Reviews
Daniel Martín Fernández Mayoralasa, Manuel Recio Rodríguezb, Ana Laura Fernández Perronec, Mar Jiménez de la Peñab, Ana Jiménez de Domingoc, Lucía de Llano Varelad, Alberto Fernández Jaénc
aDepartamento de Neuropediatría. Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud. . Madrid. España.
bDepartamento de Neuroimagen. Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud. Madrid. España.
cDepartamento de Neuropediatría. Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud. Madrid. España.
dEstudiante de Medicina. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: D Martín . E-mail: dmfmayor@yahoo.es
Reference of this article: Martín Fernández Mayoralas D, Recio Rodríguez M, Fernández Perrone AL, Jiménez de la Peña M, Jiménez de Domingo A, de Llano Varela L, et al. Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome after acute cerebellitis . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2023;25:49-52.
Published in Internet: 17-01-2023 - Visits: 9215
The most common cause of the cerebellar syndrome is acute cerebellitis. The motor disorders stand out in this syndrome. However, there are other symptoms apart from these. The patients presented below show, besides motor disorders, cognitive affective signs such as attention deficit, personality changes, etc. All these latter manifestations form the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. Despite having an uncommon diagnosis, it is a frequent complication. These cases prove the importance of diagnosing this syndrome to enhance the patient’s life quality by providing adequate treatment.
● Acute cerebellitis ● Ataxia ● Cerebellar syndrome ● Childhood ● Cognitive affective syndromeComments
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