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Vol. 24 - Num. 96

Clinical Reviews

Chlorine`s dental stain

M.ª Amparo Sangil Gonzáleza, Silvia de las Nieves Ortega Péreza, Patricia Isabel Pérez González a

aPediatra. CS Arucas. Gran Canaria. Las Palmas. España.

Correspondence: MA Sangil . E-mail:

Reference of this article: Sangil González MA, Ortega Pérez SN, Pérez González PI. Chlorine`s dental stain . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2022;24:405-7.

Published in Internet: 21-12-2022 - Visits: 3168


Dental stains are a common cause of concern for families. Although in general it is about aesthetic pathologies, it is important to know the possible causes that can lead to an adequate and effective treatment, as well as future prevention.

The most frequent stains are black stains, post-trauma stains and dental caries. However, there are also other less common reasons to take into account, such as dental damage caused by chlorine. This pathology is of special interest, since it can go unnoticed if we do not take a good clinical history.


Chlorine Dental stain Tooth staining


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