Marina Ortega Navaridasa, Isabel López Aznáreza, Nuria López Negueruelaa
aPediatra. CS La Guindalera. Logroño. La Rioja. España.
Correspondence: M Ortega. E-mail:
Reference of this article: Ortega Navaridas M, López Aznárez I, López Negueruela N. Telorrhagia in infants. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2022;24:e167-e169.
Published in Internet: 28-03-2022 - Visits: 9801
Bloody nipple discharge, or telorrhagia, is a rare manifestation in the pediatric population that in most cases is secondary to mammary duct ectasia. It is a benign and self-limiting disease, so a watchful waiting approach is recommended, avoiding invasive tests and reassuring the family while awaiting spontaneous resolution.
● Bloody nipple discharge ● Infant ● Mammary duct ectasia
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