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Vol. 23 - Num. 92

Clinical Reviews

Bednar’s aphthae. The importance of diagnostic suspicion

David Molina Herranza, Amelia Moreno Sáncheza, M.ª Violeta Fariña Jaraa, Sheila Miralbés Terrazaa

aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. España.

Correspondence: D Molina. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Molina Herranz D, Moreno Sánchez A, Fariña Jara MV, Miralbés Terraza S. Bednar’s aphthae. The importance of diagnostic suspicion. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2021;23:401-4.

Published in Internet: 17-12-2021 - Visits: 17965


Bednar’s aphthae, or pterygoid aphthae, is a round or oval shaped oral ulcer caused by mechanical pressure. It is usually bilateral and it is located in the posterior third of the palate. Clinically it can be unnoticed or cause pain and irritability. Sometimes it can also make it difficult for newborns and infants to be feed. No additional tests are required. Treatment consists on removing the traumatic agent that produces them.

We report a case of Bednar’s ulcer in an infant. The diagnosis lasted over time and the patient was studied by several doctors. Initially due to irritability and difficult to feed, after due to the appearance of two oral ulcers. It is an entity that paediatricians should be aware of, in order to avoid diagnostic errors and the ordering of tests that are not indicated or unnecessary referrals.


Bednar’s aphthae Bednar’s ulcer Oral ulcer Palate Pterygoid aphthae



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