Vol. 23 - Num. 91
Special Articles
M.ª Ángeles Carrasco Azconaa, Carmen Rosa Rodríguez Fernández-Olivab, Manuel Praena Crespoc, M.ª Teresa Asensi Monzód, José Luis Montón Álvareze
aPediatra. CS Villa del Prado. Madrid. España.
bPediatra. Coordinación Pediatría Atención Primaria/Atención Hospitalaria. Dirección General de Programas Asistenciales. Servicio Canario de Salud. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España.
cPediatra. CS La Candelaria. Sevilla. España.
dPediatra. CS Serrería 1. Valencia. España.
ePediatra. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: MA Carrasco. E-mail: m.carrasco.pediatra@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Carrasco Azcona MA, Rodríguez Fernández-Oliva CR, Praena Crespo M, Asensi Monzó MT, Montón Álvarez JL. COVID-19, contamination and asthma . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2021;23:e105-e129.
Published in Internet: 20-09-2021 - Visits: 12216
In December 2019, a pandemic began in Wuhan, China, whose global impact has yet to be determined. It is an infectious process that mainly affects the respiratory tract. Two transmission routes, fomites and drops, were proposed in the first instance. The evolution of the disease has revealed the role of aerosols in its spread, thus discovering new measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Unlike other respiratory infections, patients with asthma have not seen their disease worsened, and the possible protective effect of inhaled corticosteroids has been evaluated in some studies. After analyzing the risk factors associated with this disease, environmental contamination is once again in the spotlight as in previous outbreaks caused by SARS-CoV-1. Some authors relate the levels of contamination and the increase in morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19, although they acknowledge that other types of studies are needed to demonstrate causality since there are multiple confounding factors involved. The measures of social distancing, use of masks, individual protection equipment, disinfection of surfaces … have been effective in protecting against the virus. The significant reduction in travel and industrial activity during the pandemic has demonstrated the influence of human beings on air quality and leads us to reflect on the need to continue implementing measures to improve the environment.
● Atmospheric pollution ● Coronavirus ● COVID-19 ● Environmental pollution ● Nitrogen dioxide ● Polluting particles ● SARS-CoV-2
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