José A. López Villalobosa, Luis Rodríguez Molinerob, Ana M.ª Sacristán Martínc, M.ª Victoria López Sánchezd, Mercedes Garrido Redondoe, Jesús M. Andrés de Llanof, M.ª Teresa Martínez Riverag, Ana Belén Camina Gutiérrezh
aServicio de Psiquiatría. Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Palencia. Palencia. España.
bServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Recoletas Campo Grande. Valladolid. España.
cPediatra. CS Arturo Eyries. Valladolid. España.
dServicio de Psiquiatría. Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander. España.
ePediatra. CS La Tórtola. Valladolid. España.
fServicio Pediatría. Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Palencia. Palencia. España.
gPediatra. CS Laguna de Duero. Valladolid. España.
hPediatra. CS Circular. Valladolid. España.
Reference of this article: López Villalobos JA, Rodríguez Molinero L, Sacristán Martín AM, López Sánchez MV, Garrido Redondo M, Andrés de Llano JM, et al. Quality of life in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: perception of parents and children. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2021;23:e1-e9.
Published in Internet: 22-03-2021 - Visits: 7994
Introduction: health-related quality of life (HRQL) is a relevant dimension in the evaluation and consideration of the effects of a treatment in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The objective of the study is to analyze the differences on the perception between parents and children in the HRQL in ADHD cases treated pharmacologically (ADHD-T), untreated cases (ADHD-N) and controls.
Material and methods: sample of 228 participants between 8 and 14 years old (114 controls, 57 ADHD-T and 57 ADHD-N). Consecutive sampling of ADHD according to DSM-IV (ADHD Rating Scales IV) and random sampling of controls matched by sex and age. HRQL assessment using the ten dimensions of the KIDSCREEN-52 parent version and child version.
Results: there are significant differences between parents/children in three out of ten dimensions of KIDSCREEN-52 (autonomy, self-perception, and financial resources), in four ADHD-T dimensions (psychological well-being, self-perception, school environment, and financial resources), and in six ADHD-N dimensions (psychological and physical well-being, mood, self-perception, school environment and financial resources) in controls. Children perceive HRQL better than parents in all dimensions with significant differences, except for economic dimension (the opposite). There are no significant differences between parents/children in controls, ADHD-N or ADHD-T in the dimensions of social acceptance, relationship with parents and friends.
Conclusions. it is necessary to take into account the perspectives of parents and children regarding HRQL in the evaluation preceding any clinical intervention.
● Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder ● Methylphenidate ● Quality of life
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