Aída M.ª Gutiérrez Sáncheza, Myriam López Rojob, Marta Marín Andrésb, Carmelo Guerrero Laleonaa, Matilde Bustillo Alonsoc
aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Infantil Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. España.
bMIR-Pediatría. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. España.
cUnidad de Infectología Pediátrica. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. España.
Correspondence: AM Gutiérrez. E-mail: amgsjm@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Gutiérrez Sánchez AM, López Rojo M, Marín Andrés M, Guerrero Laleona C, Bustillo Alonso M. Importance of early diagnosis and treatment of herpetic encephalitis. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2020;22:e133-e138.
Published in Internet: 17-09-2020 - Visits: 23687
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes acute necrotizing encephalitis, typically affecting the temporal lobe. The existence of a specific antiviral drug as well as the use of adjuvant medication such as corticotherapy, have improved the prognosis of severe infections. The delay in the start of treatment with acyclovir is a factor clearly related to poor evolution, as well as short treatment guidelines that have been associated with an increased risk of recurrence.
● Acyclovir ● Encephalitis ● Herpes simplex virus
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