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Vol. 22 - Num. 86

Clinical Reviews

Petechial erythema neither gloves, not socks syndrome

Cristina Giovanna Pesántez Méndeza, Diego Mauricio Peñafiel Freireb, José M.ª Pérez Roldánb, Francisco José Gil Sáenzb

aMIR-Alergología. Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra. Pamplona. España.
bServicio de Pediatría. Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra. Pamplona. España.

Correspondence: DM Peñafiel. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Pesántez Méndez CG, Peñafiel Freire DM, Pérez Roldán JM, Gil Sáenz FJ. Petechial erythema neither gloves, not socks syndrome. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2020;22:e55-e59.

Published in Internet: 29-05-2020 - Visits: 13587


Parvovirus B19 generally infects children and young adults, presenting characteristic rashes such as erythema infectiosum. Among the hemorrhagic manifestations with purpuric-petechial eruption is the papular purpuric socks and gloves syndrome. Occasionally, atypical distributions with asymmetric petechial rashes could complicate the diagnosis leading to differential diagnoses and laboratory tests. We describe an unusual case of parvovirus B19 with atypical petechial rash, and a recent literature review is reported.


Exanthema Human parvovirus B19 Parvovirus infection



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