Vol. 22 - Num. 85
Clinical Reviews
Elena Pérez Fuertesa, Marta Carrera Polancoa, Belén Jiménez Estebana, Beatriz Argüelles Bustilloa
aPediatra. CS Silvano. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: E Pérez. E-mail: elenaperezfuertes@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Pérez Fuertes E, Carrera Polanco M, Jiménez Esteban B, Argüelles Bustillo B. Idiopathic facial aseptic granuloma: do we know how to diagnose it? Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2020;22:39-41.
Published in Internet: 05-03-2020 - Visits: 12396
Idiopathic facial aseptic granuloma is a pediatric condition characterized by red-violaceous nodule usually located on the cheeks. Differential diagnosis with other facial nodules must be done. The pathogenesis is still unclear but seems to be associated with rosacea. It is important keeping in mind the possible ophthalmological damage of rosacea so follow up is recommended. As we show in the case report, it is a benign lesion and it tends to spontaneous resolution, so we can avoid invasive treatments.
● Aseptic granuloma ● Facial nodule ● Rosacea
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