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Vol. 21 - Num. 83

Clinical Reviews

Do we explain well how to dose the vitamin D in infants? About two cases of overdose

Salomé Ruiz Escusola, Soledad Gallardo Morenob, Eugenio Guijarro Tapiac

aPediatra. EAP Tarragona 1. Bonavista-La Canonja. Tarragona. España.
bEnfermera de Pediatría. EAP Tarragona 1. Bonavista-La Canonja. Tarragona. España.
cMédico de Familia. EAP Tarragona 1. Bonavista-La Canonja. Tarragona. España.

Correspondence: S Ruiz. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Ruiz Escusol S, Gallardo Moreno S, Guijarro Tapia E. Do we explain well how to dose the vitamin D in infants? About two cases of overdose. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2019;21:e121-e123.

Published in Internet: 02-09-2019 - Visits: 33064


It seems clear the consensus in the recommendation of the administration of 400 international units of vitamin D per day during the first year of life, in all the healthy children that are breastfed or fed with artificial formula, until they take at least one liter of fortified in vitamin D adapted formula per day. The different commercial presentations that are nowadays available, can conduce to make mistakes, if we don´t take into account the exact concentration of vitamin D per drop or milliliters. We present two cases of lactating children with a vitamin D overdose, due to the misunderstanding of its administration by parents. Despite this, no clinical repercussion happened in both of them.


Overdose Vitamin D



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