Vol. 21 - Num. 82
Clinical Reviews
Carlos Iglesias Gómeza, M.ª Ángeles Castellar Recheb, Paloma Sánchez-Pedreño Guillénc, Teresa Martínez Menchónc
aPediatra. CS Alcantarilla-Sangonera. Murcia. España.
bPediatra. CS Alcantarilla-Casco. Alcantarilla. Murcia. España.
cServicio de Dermatología. Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. Murcia. España.
Correspondence: C Iglesias. E-mail: doctoriglesias84@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Iglesias Gómez C, Castellar Reche MA, Sánchez-Pedreño Guillén P, Martínez Menchón T. Pityriasis lichenoides. Not everything is chickenpox. A case report. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2019:21:169-72.
Published in Internet: 19-06-2019 - Visits: 18991
Pityriasis lichenoides is a benign inflammatory disease of unknown etiology. There are two types of this entity: an acute form (pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta) and a chronic one (pityriasis lichenoides chronica). Both are common in children and young adults. We describe a case of pityriasis lichenoides, discuss its clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. An eight-year-old child who presented erythematous papular lesions in centripetal distribution, these lesions didn´t improve in 3 weeks, and new lesions appeared in that period. The biopsy of the lesions confirmed pityriasis lichenoid. After antibiotic and corticosteroid treatment all lesions disappeared. Pityriasis lichenoides acute is a rare design that represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the physician. The diagnosis of this condition is suspected clinically and confirmed by histology. It does not have specific treatment.
● Pityriasis lichenoides
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