Vol. 21 - Num. 81
Clinical Reviews in Digestive Diseases
Sonia Hernández Rodrígueza, Marta Lasheras Valpuestab, Iván Carabaño Aguadob, Enrique Salcedo Lobatob, Raquel Núñez Ramosc, Enrique Medina Benítezb
aUnidad de Gastroenterología Infantil. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal. Madrid. España.
bSección de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
cSección de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Infantil. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: S Hernández . E-mail: soniahr@msn.com
Reference of this article: Hernández Rodríguez S, Lasheras Valpuesta M, Carabaño Aguado I, Salcedo Lobato E, Núñez Ramos R, Medina Benítez E. Rapid gastric emptying syndrome in a non-gastrectomized adolescent: a case report. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2019;21:65-8.
Published in Internet: 27-02-2019 - Visits: 19582
Dumping syndrome or rapid gastric emptying syndrome is defined as the set of digestive and systemic manifestations that arise as a result of a rapid emptying of large amounts of liquids, osmotically active and solid foods. It can be early or late. Its etiology is multifactorial. Most cases appear as a sequel to gastric surgery (vagotomy and pyloroplasty, gastrojejunostomy, Nissen fundoplication), although idiopathic forms have been described, and cases that appear in a context of generalized autonomic dysfunction. We present a clinical case of a healthy adolescent with an early dumping syndrome, proper evolution after correct dietary measures.
● Rapid gastric emptying syndrome ● Stomach
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