Vol. 20 - Num. 80
Clinical Reviews
M.ª Jesús Redondo Granadoa, Cristina Laserna del Gallegob
aPediatra. CS Rondilla I. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Valladolid. Valladolid. España.
bMIR-Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria. CS Rondilla I. Valladolid. España.
Correspondence: MJ Redondo. E-mail: mredondogra@gmail.com
Reference of this article: Redondo Granado MJ, Laserna del Gallego C. Earwax recurrent impaction. What lies behind it? Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2018;20:375-7.
Published in Internet: 13-12-2018 - Visits: 13663
We present the cases of two 10 year-old kids with recurrent earwax impaction in ear canals, with occasional mild hearing loss. Otoscopic examination revealed a narrowing of the external auditory canals, which made it impossible to visualize the tympana, even after the cleaning of the cerumen. This stenosis had not been noticeable in previous otoscopies.
● Conductive hearing loss ● Congenital aural stenosis ● Wax impaction
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