
Article not rated

Vol. 20 - Num. 78

Clinical Reviews

Detection of pregnancy in a teenager after convulsive emergency

Pedro Juan Carpena Lucasa, M.ª Isabel Jiménez Candela, Mónica Hernández Martíneza, Laurentina Carvallo Valenciaa

aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Virgen del Castillo. Yecla. Murcia. España.

Correspondence: PJ Carpena. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Carpena Lucas PJ, Jiménez Candel MI, Hernández Martínez M, Carvallo Valencia L. Detection of pregnancy in a teenager after convulsive emergency. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2018;20:163-7.

Published in Internet: 16-04-2018 - Visits: 26168


The maturational changes throughout adolescence are becoming precocious and associate an increase in risk practices. The teenager fertility rate increases progressively. Gestation during adolescence is considered risky, adding to it the complications of epilepsy. We present the clinical case of a 13 years old teenager woman who went to the Emergency Room of our hospital because of a seizure. She had a non-relevant medical history. Irregular menstruation, last 2 months before. After controlling the first episode, we request supplementary tests without findings of interest. During the first hours of hospitalization she repeats convulsive crisis which is resolved after administering medication. A pregnancy test is performed with positive result, confirming gestation by ultrasound. After reporting the patient and her parents, they decided the voluntary interruption of the pregnancy. At present, the patient continues reviews in Neuropediatrics for idiopathic epilepsy, and she goes with her parents to psychological therapy. We must encourage sex education in health centers and educational centers, and every time earlier. Also, we must consider the possibility of pregnancy and include its diagnostic tests.


Adolescent Epilepsy Pregnancy



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